How can we translate design methods like journey mapping, sketching and design studio sessions to distributed team settings? This is the topic of my second roundup of @uxremotely. As these methods are traditionally thought of as face-to-face only activities, it’s interesting to see, that with a little preparation and process, a remote version can be a viable alternative.
Remote Customer Journey Mapping
Published by Kate Kaplan of UX Consultancy Nielsen Norman Group, this article gives a good overview on how to create journey maps using remote tools like Smaply, UXPressia and Mural.
Remote Customer Journey Mapping by @NNgroup #ux #remote
— UX Remotely (@uxremotely) September 8, 2017
Remote Product Discovery
In this case study, Serkan Terek describes how his team creates user story maps and empathy maps with Trello and Mural.
Remote Product Discovery. How to get from ideas to wireframes without being in the same room by @SerkanTerek #remote
— UX Remotely (@uxremotely) October 28, 2016
Remote Pair Designing
Mike Brand, product designer at Spotify describes how two designers can ideate and sketch together using a whiteboard and video conferencing. He also discusses alternatives like InVision Freehand.
Remote Pair Designing by @MikeyBrand #remotedesign
— UX Remotely (@uxremotely) January 3, 2017
Sharing Sketches Remotely
You could call this a ‘classic’ in remote design articles. Nathan Curtis of EightShapes describes how they use IPEVO document cams to sketch on paper simultaneously. A smart approach for two designers sketching together regularly.
Sharing Sketches Remotely by @nathanacurtis #remotework #design
— UX Remotely (@uxremotely) July 18, 2016
How to Run a Quick Design Studio Workshop Remotely
I love to carry out design studio session during kickoff meetings. Hadrien Raffali walks us through his process of carrying out these ideation sessions remotely with pen and paper.
How to Run a Quick Design Studio Workshop Remotely by @hraffalli
— UX Remotely (@uxremotely) April 2, 2018
You might also be interested in part one of this series: UX Remotely | 5 Design Teams and How They Work. The next post will be about remote design sprints and workshops.