UX Remotely | 5 Design Teams And How They Work

UX Remotely

One and a half years ago, I started @uxremotely to learn more about the possibilities and limitations of designing with distributed teams. So far I have compiled more than 130 articles of designers and design teams working remotely. As tweets are ephemeral, I will post the five most interesting articles I found on each subject here.

This first list includes case studies from companies like Google, InVision and 18F (a digital services agency within the United States Government). Enjoy!

How Zapier Is Building a Distributed Design Culture

by Julia Elman (Zapier)


Distributed UX teams: Early lessons learned

by Joe Tullio (Google)


Remote Design at Trello: Interview with Chris Kimbell

Interview by Jim Kalbach


Making a distributed design team work

by J. Thibault  & M. Khandekar (18F)


Building InVision Studio with a fully remote team

by Rachel Starnes (InVision)


The next posts will focus on individual designers working remotely as well as on research and design activities like design sprints, prototyping and user testing.

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