I just finished Tiny Habits by Stanford behavior scientist B.J. Fogg. It’s a great read both for personal and professional insights on human behavior.
Razorfish 5: Five Technologies That Will Transform Your Business
MiscOn NFC
- NFC will be used to provide real world interfaces for our digital handsets, connecting ourselves with transportation services, public services, retail touch points, digital signage and any other physical objects. Tagging the real world begins: In the long-term we will be able to find tags in urban areas just about anywhere.
- NFC coupled with motion-enabled technologies will help move creative experiences out of the home and into public areas.
- NFC will be adopted at a much faster pace than expected, even while standards and approaches are worked on by the big three: Apple, Google, Microsoft.
On Interfaces
- Brands that successfully leverage new user environments by creating personalized, natural user interfaces will build stronger and more lasting relationships with customers.
- Connected experiences weave brands into the consumer’s life, but ultra-personalization is the key to making the experience invaluable to consumers and transforming them into brand advocates.
On Open Digital Services
- More and more brands will look beyond the construct of paid, owned and earned media to embrace open and innovative ODS model as part of marketing efforts.
- In next three years, all major brands will have a de-facto “developer..com” property to support community participation.
On Social Analytics
- Big Data is clearly becoming a top IT priority as evidenced by IBM’s acquisition of Netezza and HP’s acquisition of Vertica.
- The role of ‘Data Scientists’ is going to become more and more critical for a lot of companies across industries.
- Being able to interpret and glean insights from data will be just as important as collecting, monitoring or listening to it.
On the Cloud
- Cloud vendors will be more compliant with standards like PCI and others driving faster and greater adoption.
- Enterprises that don’t embrace the cloud will lag among the competition.
via razorfish5.com
Twitter makes me like people I’ve never met and Facebook makes me hate people I know in real life
Flipboard, New “Social” iPad Magazine will be Powered by Semantic Data
MiscBut Flipboard isn’t just another “Twitter magazine,” – it also just acquired semantic technology startup Ellerdale, whose intelligent data-parsing algorithms have previously been used to create a real-time search engine and trends tracker (still available here, at least for the moment). Now that same powerful technology will be used to design a more personalized real-time experience: determining what social updates are important to you and presenting them in an attractive, magazine-like format.
First look at “revolutionary” social news iPad app: Flipboard
MiscMicrosoft Launches Outlook Facebook Integration
MiscMore information on:
Social Media Employee Policy Examples from Over 100 Organizations
MiscThe following table contains the names of over 100 companies and organization that have published their Employee Social Media Policies or Guidelines online… The left side column is the name of the organization, and it is linked to their organizational or corporate home page. The right side column displays a link to the actual document of policy web page for you to either download or review.
Soziale Netzwerke: “Verbote sind keine Lösung” – ZEIT ONLINE
MiscIch halte es daher für vorausschauend, wenn Unternehmen eigene Regeln einführen, statt sich vor den Arbeitsgerichten einem ungewissen Ergebnis auszusetzen. Auch Arbeitnehmern nützen klare Regelungen. Sie können die Transparenz fördern und bei den Mitarbeitern mehr Kompetenz im Umgang mit sozialen Netzwerken schaffen. Ohnehin entstehen die meisten Konflikte nicht durch böse Absicht, sondern durch Unwissenheit und die unbedachte Veröffentlichung von Inhalten im Internet. Die Mitarbeiter, die mit einem anonymen Kommentar ihrem Arbeitgeber schaden wollen, wird man mithilfe der Richtlinien sowieso nicht davon abhalten können. Entsprechende Regeln können aber als Leitplanken dienen, um den überwiegenden Teil der Mitarbeiter rechtliche Grenzen aufzuzeigen.
Interessanter Artikel zu Social Media Guidelines.
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Social Media Governance by Chris Boudreaux
MiscLife is unfair – what a social media “expert” needs to know