User Experience Design With Distributed Teams – Part 1: Ideation & Sketching

UX Remotely

UPDATE: Instead of continuing with part 2, I decided to not label articles “part 1”  again and instead talk about the topic, collect more ways to do ux work remotely on Twitter and write more specific articles on the subject.

Lately, I’ve been working more and more with teams spread across different cities, countries and timezones. Though there are times when it’s difficult not having everyone in the same room (you know the drill), user experience design can work quite well remotely when you give thought to the tools and methods you are using. Starting with ideation and sketching, I will have a closer look at how the different steps of the ux design process are affected by remote work.

Cross-Device Prototyping Tools – Beyond Paper Sketches


Two weeks ago, I spoke at World Usability Day in Hannover. Among great talks on flat design, feedback forms and gestural interaction, I had the pleasure to talk about prototyping in cross-device design projects. Unfortunately, I could not go into details of the tools I presented (in German). I would like to take this as a starting point for a series of blog posts.

“A prototype is a question rendered as an artifact.”

— Scott Klemmer